In addition to the ministries focusing on edifying the saints, we as a church are burdened for those who are not part of the body of Christ. From its founding days, Living Hope Baptist Church has been engaged in, and praying for, local and global outreach.

The Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20) as exemplified in the book of Acts, is our model on how to focus on personal evangelism, bringing the Apostolic Doctrine to unreached areas, planting churches, and strengthening the churches in mature pastoral ministry.

The following are some of the doors of ministry that the Lord has opened to us.

Shepherds’ Conference

Gathering faithful shepherds (pastors and elders) and their sheep one a year for the sake of unity among one another under the Great Shepherd’s plan for His Church (1 Pet 5:1-4).

NextGen Bible Institute

Training men and women who want to deepen their devotion to God and ministry in His Church through module-bases classes on Biblical doctrine, godly living, and true worship, with an option of accreditation for a B.Th degree (Acts 19:9-10).

Church Planting and Strengthening

Assisting new or struggling churches in KwaZulu-Natal who are in need of pastoral encouragement, leadership guidance, or further training in expository preaching and Biblical counselling (Acts 14:21-23).

Local Outreach

Enabling individual believers to speak clearly about the things of the Lord to unbelievers, and ministering the Word to local organisations as the Lord opens the door (Col 4:2-6).

Distant Missions

Instilling a deep concern for the souls of men and women outside our own immediate ministry through our prayers and support of trusted ministers of the Gospel to the world (Rom 10:13-15).