Read Part 1 Read Part 2 Read Part 3 Here is a summary of a little book worth reading. It is entitled Coronavirus and Christ and is written by John Piper. You can access it here: Go to page to download audio, e-book, or PDF “What is God doing through the coronavirus?”
What Is God Doing Through the Coronavirus? Part 3
Read Part 1 Read Part 2 Here is a summary of a little book worth reading. It is entitled Coronavirus and Christ and is written by John Piper. You can access it here: Go to page to download audio, e-book, or PDF “What is God doing through the coronavirus?” While John Piper
What Is God Doing Through the Coronavirus? Part 2
Read Part 1 Here is a summary of a little book worth reading. It is entitled Coronavirus and Christ and is written by John Piper. You can access it here: Go to page to download audio, e-book, or PDF “What is God doing through the coronavirus?” While John Piper does not claim
What Is God Doing Through the Coronavirus? Part 1
Here is a summary of a little book worth reading. It is entitled Coronavirus and Christ and is written by John Piper. You can access it here: The official page to download audio, e-book, or PDF One of the saints in our church summarised it for us, and it will be our
Q&A #3
Topics in this Q&A: Sunday as the day of worship; serving one another while not at church; social media posts against the government and fake news. Does the Bible require Sunday as the day of corporate worship? What about Christians in countries or other situations where another weekday is dedicated
Q&A #2
Topics in this Q&A: Wearing make-up; blood and organ donation. It appears that all the questions this time are related to ethical matters that related to various human customs. Some of these customs have been around for thousands of years, others are a little more modern. Either way, the Scriptures
Songs for Resurrection Sunday
This is the happiest day of all of history! Jesus is alive, our salvation is sure, and we can face each day with joyful Christian courage. A short list of Scripture passages and suggested sermons for today is here: “Passion Week – Sunday“. After reading at least one of the
Q&A #1
Topics in this Q&A: Lord’s Supper at home; The Greeks in John 12; Christians who pray “over” things; movies about Jesus; Jesus’s prayer for Peter’s faith. The wisdom necessary to recognise one’s own ignorance and folly is indeed the non-negotiable starting point for growing in wisdom. When we realise our human-ness
Songs for Good Friday
The Scripture readings for Good Friday and some sermon suggestions on those passages can be found here: “Passion Week – Friday“. But to complement your Good Friday devotions at home, I thought some songs might be of great blessing to you to and bring much praise to the Lord. *Click
Lockdown Lord’s Supper—Yes or No?
Can I partake of the the Lord’s Supper by myself or with my family?—This is a common, and important, question among Christians. We understand the importance of the Lord-instituted manner in which we remember His sacrificial and substitutionary death for us. But, the norm is that we participate in the