Just Do the Next Right Thing

Growing up, one of the most practically helpful one-liners I learned was the counsel of “Just do the next right thing”. I don’t even recall the setting in which I learned it, but it is absolute gold for daily godliness. Whether something good, or something bad, had just happened, and

Will of God Prayer Items

One of the basic things every believer understands is that God’s will is better than our own. We believe that God knows better than us, that God is wiser than us, and that God’s plans are always better. Therefore believers can often be heard praying “Thy will be done” imitating

Clothed in Humility

Clothing is most fundamentally for the purpose of covering nakedness since the Fall of Genesis chapter 3, but clothing also tells much about a person. In many ways clothing is more revealing of a person than it is concealing. Although one cannot confirm with one hundred percent certainty what a person is like

Enjoying the Unpredictable

Ecclesiastes 3:1-22 contains an eight-verse poem and theological commentary on the unpredictable reality of earthly existence. There is a time for everything, and therefore nothing stays the same for a very long time. There are some profound theological, and thereby also practical, lessons for today from this passage. First some theological lessons. God

The End of the World vs Your End on This World

The end of the world is somewhat in the news again with the typical highly-sensationalised prophecy books and supposed fulfilments. If you want a quick overview of what the real end of the world will look like, here is a quick overview from Jesus’s most comprehensive teaching on the End

Worldly Desires and God’s Will

Following the format of the Proverbs, John gives us a pithy statement on how a Christian differs from the world. Like many of the Proverbs, there are three sets of parallel items, in effect, teaching us three lessons in one. And the world is passing away along with its desires,but

Lessons on Suffering from an Oasis

A very particular little oasis in the desert near the Dead Sea gets mentioned a few times in God’s Word. It is the waterfall and spring in the middle of the desert at “En Gedi”. It is mentioned in 1 Samuel 24:1ff and, related to that, it is also mentioned in the

Feeling Blessed vs Being Blessed

We feel blessed when someone else, God or people, do good to us. We are blessed by something entirely different. Receiving things might make us feel blessed, but as Jesus had taught the Apostles, blessing is obtained through giving, not receiving (Acts 20:35). Likewise, the Sermon on the Mount by our Lord Jesus began with affirmations of blessing, but

The Reality of Human Limitation

Here is a humorous quote from John MacArthur about human limitations from his sermon on Mark 10:23-31. God can do all things that He determines to do. (Daniel 4:35) That, however, is not true of us. Although there are people today who would like to make us think we can do

Stirring Each Other Up

Ever since the satanic “stirrer” in the Garden of Eden, mankind has perpetuated the skill of stirring each other up. As children, through peer-pressure, we stirred each other up to mischief; by teasing we stirred each other up to anger. As we matured in physical growth, we maintained the same