How to Talk More

Some are talkers—to a fault. Others are listeners—to a fault. Every so often you might find yourself talking with someone who listens with great attentiveness. Every lull in the conversation is broken by a mere five-word question from the listener prompting you to talk even more. When you try the

How to Talk Less

Balanced communities always have the talkers and the listeners. Some talk so much everyone wishes they’d keep quiet for once; others are so intent on listening that not one has yet been able to gain some wisdom and knowledge from them. This devotional is for the first group. You talk

Interrupting Fear and Worry

It feels like a flood of information coming without relenting. News broadcast with both true and fake news keep us posted on all the worrisome developments. WhatsApp is abuzz with personal opinions and forwarded messages. Presidential speeches, local police, international podcasts all try and keep us informed. It feels like

Jesus Is God and the Bible Is Very Clear about It

The deity of Jesus Christ is has become such a defining point of true faith, that it is one of the doctrines distinguishing true Christianity from the many Christian-like cults. The doctrine that Jesus is God is not just a construct of theological arguments that we believe by faith. Instead,

What Will You Do with the Birth of Jesus?

Countless times this month we were forced to think about Jesus’ birth. Be it your own Christmas meditations, a comment from a friend about his holiday plans, a Christmas carol in a shop, a big over-dressed man in the mall, or the endless red, green and gold decorations in the

Don’t Waste Your Family’s Trial

John Piper has made famous the life motto among Christians of “Don’t waste your life”. His point was to use our temporary earthly life to live for God’s purposes and God’s Kingdom—something which he himself customised to “Don’t waste your cancer” when cancer became the trial of his family. God

Protected by Psalm 91

Satan used Psalm 91 to tempt Jesus to expect God to save him from death miraculously. Many have followed Satan’s use of this Psalm in tempting God miraculously to keep us from trials instead of sticking to His perfect purposes for us that often include trials. Psalm 91 affirms that God is indeed very capable in using

The LORD Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not _______

We all know how the first truth in Psalm 23 ends: “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want“. This is not want in the sense of all the things you want for yourself, but the older English usage of want in the sense of being in need of something. Psalm 23:1 means that “I shall not be in want“, “I

God Will Complete What He Appoints for Me

In the middle of a great trial, when as yet there seems no way out, we can all affirm with Job, For God will complete what he appoints for me,and many such things are in His mind. Job 23:14 Like Job, we might at times feel that God is nowhere to be

An Unmistakable Key to Successful Parenting

Consistency, lack of anger, food (especially for young boys!), and clearly stated expectations are some of the common keys to successfully navigating the years of parenting for almost any age. Even the world occasionally figures out that the principles for parenting that God has given us in His Word are