The work of Christian growth

The Apostle Paul knew that the Christian walk to maturity does not happen automatically. The Gospel saves effectively all by itself – thank God for that (for an example of such a prayer, read Colossians 1:3-8). But once converted, we are required to labour hard towards spiritual maturity, spiritual completeness. One

Ukuthanda oshade naye oseficwe isikhathi sokuguga

Mhlawumbe enye yamablogger enguMkrestu enogqozi nethembekile esikhathini sanamhlanje uTim Challies. Maduzane uke wabhala isiqeshana ngesihloko esithi uthando lomyeni analo ngomzimba womfazi wakhe ngemuva kokukhulelwa nokubeletha umntwana. Iphuzu lakhe lisekutheni uthando emshadweni likhuliswa ukuphila impilo ngokubambisana, lokho kubala ngisho ushintsho kwisiqu semizimba yethu ngenxa yokukhulelwa nokuzala abantwana. Iqiniso ukuthi uthando lwasemshadweni