Ukulandelana kweZincwadi zeTestamente Elidala

ITestamende Elidala yinto okunzima ukuyiqonda kuMkrestu ngokujwayelekile. Ukuvinyelela ekwazini izikhathi zokulandelana kwezincwadi zeTestamente Elidala yisona isixazululo. UGenesisi neIDutherenomi, kulandele uJoshuwa, Abahluleli noRuthi zonke lezi zisobala. Ekupheleni kuka-1 Samuweli kusuke kusalandela eziningi, kodwa bese kuqala ukudideka. Kukhona ukuqoshwa okungaphezulu kokukodwa okuqondene nazozonke ezinye izinto ezenzeka kwiTestamente Elidala. IZikhronike 1&2 uma uzifunda

Every Day Verses in the Bible

Christianity is not only about the moment of spiritual rebirth and then again the moment of entering eternity. Christianity is about every day. Scripture is filled with “every day” verses. May we work on these with consistent faithfulness. Living Godly every day of the year,