After the full number of believers among the Gentiles have been brought in, the Lord will return His attention to Israel (Rom 11:25). Satan will at this time increase his deception and rebellion for seven years (Dan 9:27; 1 Thess 2:9-12). During this time God will judge the whole earth
UMshado: indawo lapho kugcinwa khona injabulo
Jabulela impilo nomkakho omthandayo, zonke izinsuku zempilo yakho eyize akunike yona phansi komthunzi welanga, ngoba yisona sabelo sempilo yakho emshikashikeni wakho owushikashika phansi komthunzi welanga. UMshumayeli 9:9 Impilo ngaphansi komthunzi welanga, ayihlezi ithokozisa, kodwa, ngemuva kosuku olude, ungaya ekhaya kumkakho, noma, kumyeni wakho. Ngemuva konyaka omude, ningashawa umoya nobabili niye