There was once two ladies who had worked very hard for the sake of Christ. They were part of a small church-plant by a rather famous preacher who had since moved on to other towns to plant churches there too. They had helped him much in their own town, and
Izindumiso ezinenjabulo
Ukucula indlela esobala yamakrestu yokuveza ukukholwa. Elinye lamahubo angasekugcineni kwincwadi yamaHubo ayisikho nje kuphela ukuveza izindumiso ezinjabulisayo zikaNkulunkulu, kodwa ubizo lokuba ujabule kuSimakade bese uveza leyontokozo ngendumiso. Haleluya! Hubelani uSimakade ihubo elisha, izibongo zakhe, emhlanganweni wabathembekileyo. U-Israyeli makathokoze ngoMenzi wakhe, abantwana baseZiyoni bethabele iNkosi yabo. Mabadumise igama lakhe ngokusina, bamhubele