It is common in the world to believe that “time heals all things”. This might be true in some instances, but time doesn’t heal the guilt that comes from sinning against another. As Christians we ought never to sin and simply go on as though nothing happened, believing that time
Uhlu lokubheka ubungcwele bakho
Usukulungele ukuya emsebenzini, usugqokile, waxubha, wakame ikhanda, wapakisha umphako- uhlu lokubheka osekukhona! Uhlu lokubheka izinto lusisiza ngokuba sibe isiwula esijwayelekile. UMbhalo ugcwele nohlu lokugcina imiphefumulo yethu iphephile kwizono ezijwalekile. uThithu 3:1-2 unohlu olufushane lokuhlola ubungcwele ukuze ukwazi ukulawula nokubhekisisa usuku lwakho. Ngakube ukuthobeka kwami kukhetha abantu na?(kwabaseFilipi 2:3-7)