Transforming Worldly Desires Into Will of God Desires

Worldliness is often defined in terms of a list of actions. And certainly every Christian would agree that the activities of adultery, bribery, lying, murder, and the like are not fitting for citizens of heaven who still walk this world. But the definition of worldliness lies deeper than just the

Amagama anika izithombe ngeBandla

Kunamanoni athize eBhayibhelini esingavamile ukuwacabangisisa. Lokhu kungenxa yokuthi asiwafundi ngokugxilile ngoba angamatemu ajwayelekile ngalokhoke silahlekelwe izinto ekumile zisimangaze. Awucabange ngamanye amagama asinikezela izithombe emiqondweni yethu asetshenzisiwe kwiBhayibheli achaza iBandla. uPawuli uhlukile yena yedwa ekubizeni ibandla ngokuthi ’uMzimba kaKrestu’. UKrestu uyinhloko yebandla futhi Ilunga ngalinye ebandleni liyilunga lomzimba kaKrestu. uPawuli uchaza