We know that God is the “Wonderful Counsellor” (Is 9:6), but we often take that to be a mere spiritual comfort rather than a practical call to listen and follow His instruction. Perhaps the most beautiful description of God’s wisdom and counsel is this:

This also comes from the LORD of hosts;
he is wonderful in counsel
and excellent in wisdom.

Isaiah 28:29

With such a God, we not only take great comfort, but we also raise our hand to ask Him all our questions. With such a God we stand in line to present our troubles, decisions, and dreams to Him for input. With such a God we look up His name in the Author index at the library and read whatever He has written. With a God described as “wonderful in counsel and excellent in wisdom”, we learn all we can from Him and His Word.

In His wisdom He made Himself known to us. He published a Book so we can read, re-read, and read once more again. He created a social group of other believers in Him so together we can counsel one another in His ways.