It is rather ironic that patience is something we tend to be very patient in trying to learn. We would love to be patient people, but seem to have no sense of urgency in obtaining it. We are all too patient in our pursuit of patience.
In his Divinely-given wisdom, Solomon affirms the superiority of patience in a world filled with proud fools.
the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
Ecclesiastes 7:8b
The famous love chapter affirms that we lack love for those with whom we are easily irritated and impatient.
Love is patient
1 Corinthians 13:4
How then can we rise above our sense of self-importance and be a little more loving towards our neighbour? As with most Christian-living matters, Romans 12 has a wonderful piece of practical advice
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Romans 12:12
You will be a little more patient in your troubles today, if you look for joy in your future rather than your present, and if you pray at all times. Try it! Every time you are tempted with impatience towards your fellow man, tell yourself that Heaven will make you happier than getting your way quicker today. Then pray to God, praising Him for His patience with you, and for His sovereign arrangement of all the small details of your situation so that you can learn this lesson.
May the Lord grant us His blessing in this!