It is a simple truth that where there is conflict between two people, there is either at least one not saved, or, if both are saved, there is at least one who is disobedient to God. Typically, as most parents would agree, it takes two to fight.

Sadly though, just because it usually takes two to fight does not mean every conflict disappears when both are willing to work it through. The reason is simple: both want peace, but each thinks it’s the other’s greater responsibility.

What, according to God, is your greatest responsibility in every conflict with another person? The answer is simple: your obedience to God is your greatest responsibility. The one in Luke 18:9-14 who went home justified, was not the one who focussed on the other’s sin, but the one who confessed his own disobedience to God.

Conflict is a complex mess with interwoven responsibilities. The Scriptures call us to pray for one another, confess our sins to one another, admonish one another, help one another overcome sin, and a whole host more. But the first and primary responsibility is to know and confess your own disobedience to God and get your obedience to God in order again.