Anger has been a greater spiritual pandemic than any disease has ever been on earth! We do not need long paragraphs on the realities, effects, and nature of anger, for short one-liners already instil all the “amens!” and conviction that we as people of God need to recognise and put away anger.
Anger makes you do stupid things
Proverbs 14:17
A quick-tempered man acts foolishly
Anger allows you to be manipulated by others
Proverbs 25:28
Like a city that is broken into and without walls is a man who has no control over his spirit.
Anger results in strife
Proverbs 15:18
A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but the slow to anger calms a dispute.
Anger produces anger
Proverbs 19:19
A man of great anger will bear the penalty, for if you rescue him, you will only have to do it again.
Anger produces other sins
Proverbs 29:22
An angry man stirs up strife, and a hot-tempered man abounds in transgression.
Anger gives Satan a place or toe-hold
Ephesians 4:26-27
Do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity.
Anger does not make you godly
James 1:20
The anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God