There are dozens of topics in Christian belief and practice that arouse our curiosity beyond the limits of revelation. Angels and demons, Melchizedek, dreams and visions, other writings by Bible writers that are not in the Bible, the childhood activities of Jesus, and many more like these are all questions that the Bible offers some information on, but not enough to satisfy our curiosity.

This is where a little saying coined during theological training is immensely helpful. Do God’s business, God’s way, with God’s emphasis. The third part of that saying is relevant when you want more than the Bible says. Form your convictions according to Biblical revelation. Study Scripture diligently lest you be too ignorant of God’s answers to all matters, but do not claim more than Scripture actually teaches.

Take for example the topic of angels and demons. We cannot ignore their existence and involvement in human life, for Scripture teaches clearly that they exist and are active in earthly events. However, at the same time, Scripture does not teach us how to know how they are involved in current events. Certain deductions can be made that fit the Biblical information; other deductions contain too large a jump in exegetical information and should be rejected as knowable truth.

In all matters like these, here are two principles that both encourage knowing what is knowable, and avoiding what is conjecture.

Value Truth more than sensationalism (Col 2:18-19). Just because something would be wonderful and has the appearance of Biblical truth, doesn’t mean it is true. At the same time, Truth has been revealed, so pay close attention to the wonderful, even sensational, teachings that are indeed Truth.

Give everything the emphasis that the Scripture gives it (Col 2:16-17). Believe and promote with emphatic clarity what is clearly revealed in Scripture. Let us base our assurances and joys on what is clearly revealed, not on mere “what-if” and “surely it just must be true”. God has revealed clearly what we ought to know, and has obscured what is not for us to know (Dt 29:29).