Psalm 28 is a prayer of a believer in a country that is in anarchy. It begins with a dismal hands-in-the-air despair over a worst-case scenario. It ends without any mention of an improvement in the situation. But believing David prays his faith out of despair and into hope in this Psalm. It is a model of prayer when the world has turned upside down. It is also an encouragement that faithfulness in your Christian walk is the right focus for our hearts when the world’s trouble tries to suppress our hope. And it is a reminder that our joy and song and worship is not dependent on the events in our neighbourhood, but is dependent on the characteristics of our God.
Psalm 28:1-3 is David’s experience that is shared by many in troubling neighbourhoods and countries.
Psalm 28:4-5 is David’s prayer for justice, but not because of some personal fear or spite. His prayer for justice is because of His high regard for God’s reputation and work
Psalm 28:6-9 is filled with supernatural strength, hope, and safety. In all his despairing fears, there is a song of exultation that dominates his attitude and words. It ends with the same prayer as in the beginning, but with a much calmer and more mature tone.
Pray this psalm with our brothers and sisters in countries where indiscriminate violence and terror reigns. In all the milder forms of anarchy in your own country, confide in the Lord reminding yourself of His strength and of His hearing ear.