The Scripture readings for Good Friday and some sermon suggestions on those passages can be found here: “Passion Week – Friday“. But to complement your Good Friday devotions at home, I thought some songs might be of great blessing to you to and bring much praise to the Lord.
*Click the title of each song for a YouTube version of it
It might help to understand some of the events that happened that Friday. The following song is a musical re-telling of the crucifixion from the perspective of the one thief crucified next to Jesus. May we never forget the other one crucified that day; the one who was crucified, not because He was a sinner, but because we are all sinners.
I awoke to hear the jailer turn the key and push the door
‘Get out here!’ he shouted, but I stayed there on the floor
Frozen in the terror that rose and filled my brain
I knew what they intended; I could not face the painThen soldiers came into the cell and dragged me to the yard
They threw me down before a cross and brought the whip down hard
‘Carry it!’ they shouted, as I struggled to my feet
I put my shoulder under it; dragged it to the streetI stumbled through a wall of screams as they drove me through the gate
It seemed that thousands lined the streets, their voices filled with hate
Like a wolf pack in the night that moves in for the kill
They closed the gap and followed us as we started up the hillAnd it seemed I’d barely reached the top when they grabbed me from behind
They threw the cross down under me and tied the ropes that bind
The arms close to the beams as they nailed the feet and hands
And they raised the cross up in the air and dropped it in it’s standThrough a blur of pain I saw the cross there next to mine
There were people all around it so I looked to read the sign
It was nailed there up above His head so the world could see the news
That the man who seemed so helpless there was the King of all the JewsThe crowd that stood around His cross made jokes about His name
They shouted, laughed and spat on Him so I joined in the game
I said, ‘Hey! If you’re the King why don’t you get us down from here?
The taunt just sounded hollow and it echoed in my ears‘Cause He looked at me with eyes that seemed to reach into my heart
They shone a light on all my lies and tore my life apart
There was more that lay behind His gaze than simply blood and clay
But knowing was too much for me; I had to look awayThen I chanced another look at Him as He was looking down
Where the soldiers who’d just crucified us drank there on the ground
And although He spoke them quietly, somehow His words came through
He said ‘Father, please forgive them; they don’t know what they do’Then as if they’d heard Him speak, the crowd began to roar
Whipped to frenzy by the priests who urged them on to more
But the worse the accusations, now, the plainer I could see
The guilt of the accusers – not the One there next to meThen the man upon the other cross began to curse and swear
But his voice was filled with venom as he hurled it through the air
When all the horror that was in him and had laid his life to waste
Came out in every syllable he flung in Jesus’ faceAnd Jesus only looked at him, but something rose inside of me
And in spite of all that watched us there, it couldn’t be denied
Because His righteousness and innocence were shining bright and strong
I just couldn’t keep my silence and that cursing still went onI cried out, ‘Don’t you fear the wrath of God even at the end?
You’ll curse us both into the pit – is that what you intend?
We’re only getting what we’re due – we’ve sinned our whole lives long
But don’t you talk to Him that way – He’s done nothing wrong!’Then with all my courage, in a voice not quite my own
I asked Him ‘Lord, remember me when you sit upon Your throne’
He answered me and, even then, His love was undisguised
He said ‘Before the sun has set today, you’ll be with Me in Paradise’Well the shouts and curses did not stop even when the sunlight ceased
But somehow in the midst of it, my soul had been released
And though the agony continued, it was still too small a price
To be allowed to hear those words, and to die beside the Christ!Don Francisco
Is it even possible for sinners like us to benefit from the death of Jesus? This hymn from 1738 still rings true as a echo of amazement that it would be possible for our God and Lord to die in our place.
And can it be that I should gain
An int’rest in the Saviour’s blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain—
For me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! How can it be,
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?Amazing love! How can it be,
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?He left His Father’s throne above—
So free, so infinite His grace—
Emptied Himself of all but love,
And bled for Adam’s helpless race:
’Tis mercy all, immense and free,
For, O my God, it found out me!Long my imprisoned spirit lay,
Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;
Thine eye diffused a quick’ning ray—
I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;
My chains fell off, my heart was free,
I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.No condemnation now I dread;
Jesus, and all in Him, is mine;
Alive in Him, my living Head,
And clothed in righteousness divine,
Bold I approach th’ eternal throne,
And claim the crown, through Christ my own.Words: Charles Finney. Album: The Enfield Hymn Sessions
The path through Jerusalem that Jesus might have taken to Calvary has been called the “Via Dolorosa”. It means the “Road of Suffering”. Here is a Christian opera piece about that procession. The lyrics in English (some of the song is in Latin) are below.
Down the Via Dolorosa
in Jerusalem that day
The soldiers tried to
clear the narrow streets
but the crowd pressed in to see
the Man condemned to die on Calvary
He was bleeding from the beating
there were stripes upon his back
And He wore a crown of thorns
upon His head
and He bore with every step
The scorn for those who
cried out for his death
Down the Via Dolorosa
called the way of suffering
Like a lamb came the Messiah
Christ the King
But he chose to walk that road
out of his love for you and me
Down the Via Dolorosa
all the way to Calvary
The road of suffering will
soon end on that hill
and his body will be
nailed upon the cross
but Jesus died in our place
so that our sins can be washed away
Down the Via Dolorosa
called the way of suffering
Like a lamb came the Messiah
Christ the King
But he chose to walk that road
out of his love for you and me
Down the Via Dolorosa
all the way to Calvary
The blood that would cleanse
the souls of all men
Made its way to the heart of Jerusalem
Down the Via Dolorosa
called the way of suffering
Like a lamb came the Messiah
Christ the King
But he chose to walk that road
out of his love for you and me
Down the Via Dolorosa
all the way to Calvary
The cross of our Lord Jesus symbolises all that Jesus experienced at the hands of sinners like us. But it also testifies to the power of God to save sinners like us. May the words of this song remind you that the suffering of our Lord was not primarily the physical suffering of the cross, but the suffering of taking the wrath of God against our sin.
Oh to see the dawn of the darkest day
Christ on a road to Calvary.
Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten then
Nailed to the cross of wood.This the power of the cross,
Christ became sin for us, took the blame bore the wrath
we stand forgiven at the cross.Oh to see the pain written on your face.
Bearing the awesome weight of sin.
Every bitter thought every evil did.
Crowning your blood stain brow.Now the day light flees, now the ground beneath
quakes as its maker bows his head
Curtain torn into, dead are raised to file.
Finished. The victory cry.Oh to see my name written in the wounds.
For through your suffering I am free.
Dead are crushed to death, life is mine to live.
Won through your selfless love.Keith and Kristyn Getty
Considering what Jesus accomplished on the cross, what better way to respond than with a very carefully worded “Thank you”!
The mystery of the cross I cannot comprehend
The agonies of Calvary
You the perfect Holy One, crushed Your Son
Who drank the bitter cup reserved for meYour blood has washed away my sin
Jesus, thank You
The Father’s wrath completely satisfied
Jesus, thank You
Once Your enemy, now seated at Your table
Jesus, thank YouBy Your perfect sacrifice I’ve been brought near
Your enemy You’ve made Your friend
Pouring out the riches of Your glorious grace
Your mercy and Your kindness know no endLover of my soul
I want to live for YouSovereign Grace Music