God, Who presides over the entire universe, is also the God Who is with each of us. Of all the many promises in Scripture, one of the most frequently repeated comforts among them is that God is with us. God will never forsake us.
Read the follow verses and their surrounding story to receive the comfort of God’s personal presence.
God is with us when life is a little overwhelming and we feel alone (Exodus 33:14).
God is with us when the future looks fearful and requires courage (Deuteronomy 31:6).
God is with us when we have sinned and need mercy (Deuteronomy 4:31).
God is with us when obedience to Him appears daunting (Joshua 1:5).
God is with us when we do what is necessary for true worship (1 Chronicles 28:20).
God is with us in the daily walk of faith (1 Kings 8:57-58).
God is with us when we are helplessly surrounded by wickedness and violence (Isaiah 41:13).
God is with us when we have great need and not sure how we will make it financially (Hebrews 13:5).
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:31