Psalm 10 is in many ways the perfect hospital bed Psalm for believers and even unbelievers. It is a Psalm of Reality – unpleasant reality.

Read the first thirteen verses, and see if the pleas of your heart do not often express the same questions. Does God not see? Why does ungodliness seem to succeed better than godliness? What can be done about the many who are helpless under oppression? Can anything bring the haughty down?

Like all true believers ought, these questions eventually give way to knowledge-of-God kind of answers. God does see it all (14a). God is dependable (14b). God is powerful to an extreme (15) and rules over all the affairs of man (16). God hears your prayers (17a), is building your faith in Him (17b), and has already guaranteed a just end to it all (18).

When reality is unpleasant, be it because of a relatively small personal trial, or because of some great evil, then let your heart cry out to God, and confidently rest in His character.