The devotional today is a personal testimony of a mature man reflecting on gaining spiritual maturity. May it comfort your souls as it has mine.
How do we gain spiritual maturity in our lives?
Over the past 24 years, I’ve seen the importance of a doctrinally sound local church, faithful one-another membership, and godly leadership. It was here where I started gaining spiritual maturity. Maturity in spirituality is always only gained through good, sound, expository, in-depth preaching and teaching. It is through the understanding and knowledge of Scripture that we grow and become more mature.
As it was for all Christians, so also for me, Scriptures like 2 Timothy 3:14 –17 explains the source of our spiritual growth. Those verses explain where Scripture comes from, what the purpose and necessity of scripture in our lives is, how to apply scripture to our lives, what effect scripture has on us, and how Scripture benefits us in this earthly life.
Scripture comes from God. Scripture teaches us so we are no longer ignorant. Scripture exposes the wrong in our lives and corrects it. Scripture is profitable for us because it trains us along a path of righteousness, which of course produces the maturity we need. Because of Scripture we can bear fruit in our earthly lives that extends into eternity with our Lord and Saviour.
Scripture prepares us for the road that lies ahead of us; it prepares us for our future.
It is therefore, as we walk along this path of Scripture-produced righteousness, that we mature in our understanding of God’s word.
God’s work is accomplished through His Church (you and me and the other Christians around us). His Church is informed and directed by His Word. We need to have an excellent understanding of the Holy Bible to effectively and efficiently do all that God has set out for us to do.