The first line from the most famous sermon Jesus ever preached says this:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God
Matthew 5:3
We, like the world, often live as though the opposite is true. We believe, and often act, as though it is the proud, self-made, self-sufficient, rich, powerful, self-confident, and selfish who are blessed, for theirs is the kingdom that this life is all about.
Thanks to Christ Jesus, we have a better perspective on life than that. We know it is those who set aside their self-anything, and submit to God’s Word who will receive a portion of the life that is coming soon. That is why we join the saints in worship on Sundays, and in fellowship during the week, instead of scurrying around after the earthly kingdoms of work and entertainment. That is why we pray humbly each day “Your will be done” and “keep us from evil” instead of declaring each day “I am victorious” and “I can do it!” That is why we overcome evil with good, care for the needy, show hospitality, and tell others about Jesus instead of merely looking at our own interests. That is why we have eternal hope in spite of earthly trouble, Christian joy instead of common despair, and can give thanks in even the bleakest of circumstances.
We know that those who recognise their spiritual poverty and come to Christ will be blessed, for they will survive this life, and make it to the next, where God is King, and we are the most blessed of citizens in that kingdom.