It has been a few years since the WWJD culture swept various parts of the world, but the question is as relevant as it was the first time God said “Be holy for I am holy” (Lev 20:26, 1 Pet 1:16). We understand that we will never do some of the things that Jesus did, for Jesus is God, and we also understand that we need to learn how to deal with our sin even though Jesus never sinned. For all other matters though, it is helpful to ask yourself “What would Jesus do?”

Ask “What would Jesus do?” in every next activity of your day. Then, go find out what He would do. The act of asking the question doesn’t automatically make the right answer come to mind. Go, open the Scriptures, and find out what Jesus would do in your next appointment.

What would Jesus do when tempted to disobey God? He would quote Scriptures correctly, know when others are using them incorrectly, and never compromise his love for God (Matt 4:1-11).

What would Jesus do with someone who doesn’t even know how hurtful his actions are? Jesus would pray that God would not hold their ignorance against them (Luke 23:33-34).

What would Jesus do when tired and overwhelmed by the activities of the day? He would excuse himself from the busyness of it all and spend time alone with the Lord in prayer (Luke 5:15-16).

What would Jesus do when people are mourning the passing of a loved one? He would weep with them (John 11:33-35).

What would Jesus do when mocked and mistreated for doing what is right? He would not sin, especially not by his speech, and entrust himself to God for justice (1 Pet 2:20-23).

There are many more scenarios you can find a direct parallel to in Christ’s earthly life. On top of that, you can also ask “What would Jesus say to do?”, for then a righteous way of behaving, thinking, and speaking can be found for every situation.

God saved us so we will be conformed to the image of Jesus (Rom 8:28-30). We are commanded to imitate Jesus (Eph 5:1). We daily purify ourselves as Jesus is pure (1 John 3:3).