Ever since the first moment of faith, the Scriptures have been cherished by all believers. The more we read the Word of God, the more we sense our need of the Word of God, and the more we learn from it. It is a blessed cycle.

But perhaps your Bible-love growth curve has plateaued a little. There might be many reasons for those less-than-zealous times regarding God’s Word, but often on the top of the list is simply the fact that we no longer want to learn all God’s Word has to say simply because it is God’s Word saying it.

It is statistically no secret that churches fill up quickly during a marriage series, because many are eager to know what Scripture has to say about improving their marriages, but then when the series is over, and the marriage not much better, the interest in God’s Word dwindles, and the couple are none the wiser as to the heart of their problems. The same can be said for many other topics that gain a temporary interest from the casual believers.

But there is a better reason to learn from Scripture. Do not only learn that which you think you need, or that which you consider interesting. There is a better reason to learn from Scripture. Learn from Scripture simply because it is Scripture. Become curious about everything in the Word of God. Teach your children the same! Go to every Bible-related event your church offers. Go to learn, not because you sense your need of it, but because it is something God speaks on, and therefore it is important to know.

It is often the unmarried with a good Biblical understanding of marriage that best hold the married Christians accountable. It is those who never parented a child in their life, who, if they are properly informed by Scripture, often provide the best encouragement to exasperated parents. It is those with a proper understanding of Scripture who are always the best counsellors and most mature believers even if they lack the benefits of old age and experience.

The Psalmist who penned Psalm 119 understood this very well. His great love for the Word of God simply because it was the Word of God made him compose this masterful poem. In it he expresses how he has come to know more than the powerful, educated, and experienced. It is because of his knowledge of Scripture. He had learned the word of God because it was learnable. Before he experienced the circumstances that drive many to God’s Word, he had already befriended those blessed truths.

Oh how I love your law!
It is my meditation all the day.
Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies,
for it is ever with me.
I have more understanding than all my teachers,
for your testimonies are my meditation.
I understand more than the aged,
for I keep your precepts.

Psalm 119:97-100