One of the very practical convictions that made Job such a noble example of godliness was that he had written a contract with his own sexual appetite regarding sexual purity. It is recorded for us in Job 31:1-12, and the terms and conditions of the contract with himself can be summed up as follows:
If I look at pornography (Job 31:1),
if I lie or deceive others about it (Job 31:5),
if I let my heart follow my eyes (Job 31:7),
if I show any sexual interest in another (Job 31:9a),
if I place myself in a compromising situation (Job 31:9b),
Then let me have no blessing from God (Job 31:2),
let me have calamity and destruction (Job 31:3),
let me suffer the personal hurt (Job 31:10),
let me experience the public humiliation (Job 31:11),
let me feel the financial ruin (Job 31:8),
let me lose my great success (Job 31:12)
For God sees all I do (Job 31:4),
and He will be my judge (Job 31:6).
The standard of sexual purity for Christians is contrary to the standard in the world. Let us make that distinction clearer every day.