Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.

Colossians 2:6-10

In the MacArthur Study Bible , under Colossians, there is a summary of some of the “Glories of Christ”. As a prayer today, here is an adaptation of that summary to remind ourselves who this Jesus is whom we believe and trust in, our Saviour.

Jesus, You are sufficient for all matters of life and godliness. You are sufficient for all creation. You are sufficient for salvation, sanctification, and glorification. You are pure, without a spot of sin, error, or imperfection. You are complete, there are no other God besides you. You are the only begotten Son. You contain all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. In Your body dwells the fullness of the Godhead. You are the heir of all things. You created all things, You made all things, All things were made through You and for You. You uphold all things through the power of your Word. You are the firstborn of all creation the exact representation of God.

Jesus, You are our only mediator before God. You are the Sun that enlightens, the physician that heals. You are the Wall of Fire that defends, the Friend that comforts. You are the Pearl that enriches, the Ark that supports. You are the Rock that supports under the heaviest of pressures. You are seated on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty on high. You are better than angels, better than Moses, Aaron, Joshua or Melchizedek, better than all the prophets. You are greater than Satan and stronger than death.

Jesus, You have no beginning or end. You are the spotless Lamb of God. You are our peace, our hope, our life—the living and true Way. You are Glory of Israel, the root and descendant of David, the Bright Morning Star. You are Faithful and True. You are the Founder and Perfecter of our faith. You are the Founder of our Salvation, God’s chosen one. You are the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, the Righteous Servant.

Jesus, You are the Lord of Hosts, the Redeemer – the Holy One of Israel, the God of the whole earth. You are the Man of Sorrows, The Light, the Son of Man. You are the Vine, the Bread of Life. You are the Door to our salvation. You are our Lord, Prophet, Priest and King. You are our Sabbath rest. You are our Righteousness, our Wonderful Counsellor. You are our Mighty God, our Everlasting Father. You are the Prince of Peace, the chief Shepherd. You are Lord God of hosts, Lord of all the nations. You are the Lion of Judah, the Living Word, the Rock of our Salvation. You are the Eternal Spirit, the Ancient of Days. You are the Creator and our Comforter. You are the Messiah. You are the great I AM!