The second declaration of blessing from God to man in Jesus’ famous ‘Sermon on the Mount’ affirm that those who have known distress are those who will be blessed with God’s comfort, restoration, and refreshing grace.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted

Matthew 5:4

It is a reminder of, for example, Psalm 32, where it is the one who has been brought low by the guilt of sin and then made confession of that sin to the LORD, who receives the extraordinary blessing of forgiveness—the sin being covered and the guilt removed (Ps 32:1-5)

This beatitude is also a reminder to us to weep during trials, not only to express the hurt and pain, but also to anticipate the relief and comfort of the Lord. In Psalm 6:6 David admits to weariness in all his weeping, but brackets that admission with an acknowledgment of God’s graciousness (Ps 6:2) and attentiveness (Ps 6:9).

Let us not be hesitant in mourning our sinfulness and trials before the Lord, for He will indeed comfort, restore, and raise us up again to walk with joyfulness in this life, and then also in the life to come.