It is good to read through the events of the death and resurrection of our Saviour. This should really be a regular practise, but especially so over the world-wide Easter weekend celebration.

Here is a Thursday-Sunday reading plan through the events of this momentous weekend almost 2000 years ago.

Thursday night activities

Matthew 26:47

John 18:12-13, 24

Matthew 26:59-60

Matthew 26:65-68

Friday morning activities

Mark 15:1

Luke 23:2-4

Luke 23:7, 11

Luke 23:13-16

Mark 15:12-14

Luke 23:23-24

Mark 15:16-20

Friday Afternoon activities

Luke 23:33-34

Mark 15:25-26

Mark 15:33-34

Matthew 27:50

Mark 15:37

Luke 23:46

John 19:30

Luke 23:50-56

Sunday morning activities

Luke 24:1-8

John 20:11-18