Have you ever boasted of the dramatic nature of your conversion? Or perhaps the opposite, have you ever coveted the dramatic conversion story of someone converted from some great evil lifestyle?

We tend to measure the dramatic nature of conversion on the superficial external experience of conversion and forget that every conversion is dramatic because of the very nature of regeneration.

It is true that turning from idols to the living God was a rather dramatic external testimony to the Thessalonians being regenerated (1 Thess 1:9). A dramatic light from heaven and a Divine voice was also a rather dramatic setting for the Apostle Paul’s conversion (Acts 9:3-5). But whether you are, like the Thessalonians, the first generation to hear about the God Who regenerates sinners, or, like Paul, steeped in Biblical truth from childhood, the true dramatic nature of regeneration is what God did in the heart of the convert.

What is not dramatic about being made alive from sinful deadness (Eph 2:5)?
What is not dramatic about being called out of darkness into marvellous light (1 Pet 2:9)?
What is not dramatic about being delivered from the domain of darkness and being transferred into the kingdom of God’s beloved Son (Col 1:13)?
What is not dramatic about God forgiving us our trespasses, cancelling our record of guilt, and nailing it to the cross of Christ (Col 2:13-14)?
What is not dramatic about being born again (Jn 3:3)?
What is not dramatic about being set free from sin and be made slaves of righteousness (Rom 6:18)?

When you share with others your testimony of how God saved you, be sure to insert the dramatic spiritual truths that took place under the cover of your life experiences at the time. That way we can restore to the Church and to the world what being saved really means.