Every temptation is defeat-able.

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

1 Corinthians 10:13

There is a way out of every temptation. No temptation makes it down the production line without being fitted with an auto-destruct button. Every temptation that comes to you as a believer is defeat-able. Your temptation has a release button.

We think temptation is designed by the Devil to make us sin. Instead, temptation is designed by God to make you endure. Sin is not temptation’s primary goal – sin is Plan B. Plan A is that you endure.

It is like designing a bomb for the bomb squad. It can end badly, but it is designed to teach endurance. Just stay focussed on the Bible’s instruction, and you will always find the right wire to cut to completely disable every temptation.

Temptation is seriously dangerous, but not impossible to overcome.

Because of the effects of sin on our lives we are constantly living in the zone of temptation. But temptation’s zone has an edge, which is a specially marked area called “extra danger.” In the normal danger zone, God’s faithfulness will provide you with enablement to respond in a godly Christ-like manner. In the extra danger zone God’s faithfulness takes on a different colour – His faithfulness will provide you with the just punishment to demonstrate His utter hatred for sin.

God will never ever make you come close to that extra-danger zone, so you can always successfully deal with temptation. But, when you think that getting close to that “extra danger” zone is fun and harmless, then it will end badly. You can stay in the normal temptation-enduring zone, but if you don’t you will bear the punishment.

Temptation is not an experiment; temptation is a test of how quickly you are going to escape.