Where are the good things of your life found? If you experience very little good, where would you go to find good in this life?
King David found the answer, in fact, two answers to that question.
I say to the LORD,
Psalm 16:2-3
“You are my Lord;
I have no good apart from you.”
As for the saints in the land,
they are the excellent ones,
in whom is all my delight.
Is it true in your case too? Is God your first and foremost place of satisfaction in this life? Do you consider the best of your life as that which pertains to your relationship with the Lord God? Or are you still striving for lesser things?
Secondly then, are other believers the people you most enjoy being around? We all need friendships that are deeper than even the best of earthly friendships. We need friends who share our convictions of life, sin, forgiveness, temptation, and comfort. We need friends who share the foundational convictions of life, namely that God’s glory is our aim, Jesus is our Lord, the Holy Spirit will help us, and the Scriptures are the only authoritative guides for life.
When we find so much good in life without even a thought about God and other believers, we portray a very low view of what is good. But when we define good in terms of God’s nature and will, and in terms of what we have in common with other believers, then both the best and the worst that this world can offer results in a life of joyful worship.