God is a giving God. God gave life to Adam, children to barren women, the Promised Land to slaves, rain to parched ground, food to the hungry, deliverance to the captive, wisdom to the humble, spiritual gifts to the Church, and the list of both physical and spiritual gifts from God are endless.
God designed the giving of gifts among mankind to be one of things that the faithful do when celebrating the goodness of God. The servant of Abraham gave gifts to the family of Rebekah after hearing of the approval of her marriage to Isaac (Genesis 24:53). Jacob gave presents to Esau, not only to appease the potentially angry brother, but also to celebrate their peaceful reunion (Genesis 33:10). After rather extensive military victory, David sent gifts to those who had befriended him during his trials (1 Samuel 30:26). After the Lord’s victory during the days of Hezekiah, many brought the king gifts as part of their celebration (2 Chronicles 32:23). The building of the temple caused such an anticipation of celebration that the people gave freely to the building of the temple and the clothing of the priests (Ezra 2:68). Upon seeing the infant Saviour, the wise men presented Him with a special array of presents (Matthew 2:11). Many more such references can be made.
When you contemplate all the opportunities to celebrate the Lord’s goodness, rejoice not only in your heart, give thanks not only in private, but demonstrate the Lord’s goodness through some acts of your own acts of goodness to others. Give to those who share your joy, give to those who are needy. The God-fearer is one who gives freely (Psalm 112:9).
God is a giving God; be a giving Christian.