“God is going to spoil us” was the exclamation of a seven-year old overhearing his father listen to a sermon on Revelation 21. That is true. The culmination of salvation is Heaven – a place of our heavenly Father’s blessings on his own.
The golden chain of redemption in Romans 8:29-30 starts with the foreknowledge and predestination of us by God before the foundation of the world, continues with the calling and justification that takes place during our earthly lifetime, and then ends with glorification—being made fit for heavenly spoiling.
1 John 3:1-3 explains the Christian’s experience as one that started when the Father loved us and made us His children, and although we are not yet perfect and are still being made pure, we know that when this life is over, we shall be made perfect and we shall see God.
No wonder heaven is so full of wonderfulness and so void of anything unpleasant! Heaven is full of brightness, and glory, and beauty, and other saints, and perfection, and peace, and joy, and pleasure, and God! Heaven is void of hurt, and sickness, and crying, and sin, and wicked people, and regret, and everything that makes this sin-cursed world so unpleasant.
God is going to spoil us.
Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. … how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?
Hebrews 2:1-3