The LORD is merciful and gracious,
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

This chorus of God’s character is repeated three times in the Psalms.

In Psalm 86:14-17, David reflects on this chorus of God’s character to comfort his soul when oppressed by others. Because of God’s mercy and grace, slowness of anger and abounding love, David is strengthened even when shamed by others.

In Psalm 103:7-9, David once again reflects on this chorus of God’s character. This time, though, it is not because of the oppression of evil people, but because of the heavy hand of the Lord’s discipline. David knew that God’s righteousness and justice required of Him to punish all evil, even David’s own sin. But at the same time, because of God’s mercy and grace, slowness of anger and abounding love, David knows that the discipline of the Lord is always short-lived and full of forgiveness and compassion (vv. 10-13).

And then again, in Psalm 145:5-9, David again reflects on this chorus of God’s character. This time it is simply out of pure praise. God is a wondrous God, His deeds are awesome, His greatness is worthy of exaltation. The Lord is good to all, and so, David praises God for His mercy and grace, his slowness of anger and abounding love.

Do you have a chorus of God’s character that strengthens your soul during trials, that builds your faith through sin and temptation, and that praises the Lord for all the good things?