Daily the prayer of every Christian is a prayer pleading for grace — the grace which is the good favour from God in all our dealings that day, and the grace which is the enabling strength to believe and obey God in all we do. We also pray for peace — peace with God, peace with family, peace in conflict situations, peace in trials, peace at church, peace in the world. Our prayers are our soul’s way of longing for the satisfaction that comes from resting in God’s actions on our behalf each day.
We regularly pray for grace and peace. Certainly it is only God Who can supply all the grace and peace we long for. Yet, one of the ways in which He supplies us with grace and peace is through our collection of knowledge about Jesus.
May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
2 Peter 1:2
We obtain abundance of grace and peace by maturing our knowledge of God our Father and Jesus His Son. That is in part what the rest of 2 Peter is about – completing our knowledge of God and of Jesus.
2 Peter 1:3
God’s power gives us all we need to live this life with godliness
2 Peter 1:4
God has given us promises about being like God in terms of sinlessness one day
2 Peter 1:8-9
The knowledge of Jesus cleansing us from sin is one of the greatest enabling graces to pursue practical godliness
2 Peter 1:16-17
Our worship of Jesus is not based on fiction, but on testimonies about how majestic Jesus proved Himself to be
2 Peter 1:21
The Scriptures are no published collection of mere human authors, but contain the actual words of God.
Are these knowledge titbits of God and Jesus not a source of grace and peace to you? And this was only chapter 1. Know all there is to know about God and Jesus, for grace and peace will be multiplied to you in that knowledge.