Scripture recounts many occasions of joyful celebration among believers.

Moses got the people singing after witnessing God at the Red Sea, and Miriam, grabbing a tambourine, added her own song to the celebrations in Exodus 15. After their experience of God’s power, Deborah and Barak broke out in song in Judges 5.  When David returned the Ark of the Covenant to Israel there was great rejoicing (2 Samuel 6:15), and again when Solomon moved the Ark of the Covenant to the ornate temple, there was a week of celebration (1 Kings 8:55). When the people of Israel finished rebuilding the temple (Ezra 6:16), and Nehemiah finished rebuilding the wall (Nehemiah 12:27), there were once again appropriate festivities.

Psalm 118 mentions many reasons for joyful celebration among the believers, but the reason given in verse 24 is simply the fact that God made that particular day!

This is the day that the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

Such reason for joyful praise is opened even wider by many of the Psalms that call all to joyful celebration simply because of God’s greatness (Psalm 95:1-3), God’s goodness (Psalm 100:4-5) and the simple reality that He made us (Psalm 100:1-3).

Undoubtedly the mountaintop occasion of joyful celebration is the coming marriage supper of the Lamb united with the saints for all eternity.

Let us rejoice and exult
and give him the glory,
for the marriage of the Lamb has come,
and his Bride has made herself ready;

Revelation 19:7

Be it the great events of God, or the daily provisions from God, we as Christians should be known for joyful celebration. At the normal Sunday services sing with joy, for the Lord made you, me, the rest of us, and even that day. When there is special reason to worship because of some great event in your own life, the life of the church, or the historical celebrations of the church, make a joyful noise to the Lord, for none of that would happen if He had not made it happen.