“Walk by the Spirit” – that is the command of Galatians 5:16. The result? You and I won’t give in to the many temptations of our flesh. That is the work and reward laid out for us this year. The section of Scripture that begins with “walk by the Spirit” ends in Galatians 5:25-26 with “keep in step with the Spirit”. The work and reward of Spirit-living is practiced and enjoyed one step at a time.
Nested in between these commands for Spirit-living, the Spirit of God reveals the details of Spirit-living.
But the fruit of the Spirit is
Galatians 5:22-23
love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control;
When you wake each new God-given morning of this year, turn to these verses, read them once again, and find ways that day to “keep in step with the Spirit”.
- How shall I show love to the people I deal with today? (See 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 for some ideas)
- Will I rejoice with gratitude for God’s many blessings, or grumble and complain over selfish expectations?
- What top three things are going to cause me some anxiety today, and what truth about God will bring me peace?
- What possible situations today might irritate me, and am I willing to be patient during it?
- Who should be the recipient of some kindness from me today?
- Is there a stain on my character that should be replaced with moral and spiritual goodness?
- God is faithful no matter what; are there promised responsibilities I need to be faithful in (marriage vows, church membership promises, verbal commitments to another, etc)?
- What possible situation today is going to require of me to be gentle, less defensive, less vindictive, and not proud; the Spirit is willing, am I?
- What can I say “No” to today so I can prove that I can control myself and my desires?
The Holy Spirit of God is going to excel in producing these things in your life. Don’t fall behind because of your own desires. Keep in step with the Spirit.