Some matters of chronology are difficult to confirm with absolute certainty (for example, is the “Triumphal Entry” on the traditional Sunday, or the Monday). Here is perhaps the best reconstruction of the events of our Lord during the Passion Week. As we approach the Easter weekend, it is good for us to dwell on the truth of what all transpired that weekend and the days leading up to it. For each day this week, the events of the day will be given for our meditation and worship.
Sermon Suggestion: “The Week Jesus Died“
Jesus enters Jerusalem as the recognised King
Matt 21:1-9; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:29-40; John 12:12-19
Jesus weeps over the city’s lack recognising God’s work through Him
Luke 19:41-44
Sermon Suggestion: Luke 19:29-44 “The Dreadful Anti-Climax“
Jesus ministers to the crowds in the temple
Matt 21:10-11; Matt 21:14-17; Mark 11:11