KwaZulu-Natal Church strengthening

In keeping with the two components of the Great Commission and of the Apostles’ missionary journeys, we define our ministry to our spiritually-needy province as church-planting (“Go and make disciples”) and church-strengthening (“teaching them all”).

Please pray earnestly for these churches, that the Lord will mature them and use them to reach many more for Christ. The pastors and elders of these churches are still in need of more complete pastoral training and assistance.

Cross Baptist Church in Sweetwaters

Located just up the hill from Pietermaritzburg, this church in Sweetwaters was planted by a group of young preachers zealous for God’s Word to be the centre of all Christian worship and practice. It is a Zulu-speaking congregation with its own leadership with whom we have had close fellowship since 2015.

Rock of Ages Church in Amandawe

Located just over an hour’s drive away down the south-coast of KZN, this church has a similar origin to that of Cross Baptist Church in Sweetwaters and enjoys much fellowship with them and with us. It is also a Zulu-speaking congregation with a faithful bi-vocational pastor working full-time as a school-teacher. We are helping them train, and then, Lord willing, ordain elders.