As much as we would like it for God to mature us in a moment, or even over a special church camp weekend or something like that, the reality is that God matures us one day at a time for the entire duration of our earthly life. Our church takes this daily exercise very seriously. What are you doing to raise the water table of your soul so your spiritual root remain well nourished? Here is a proposal on getting starting in the daily exercise of your spiritual health.

Every morning, before you check WhatsApp, Facebook, the news, etc, open the Internet browser on your phone, go to (bookmark it!), and read the daily devotional (it’s up at 5am already!). Look up the verses (even if it is just with the provided link on each reference). Then take a moment to pray, thanking the Lord for His goodness, confessing your sin, pleading for His assistance in living godly that day.

Then, at night, as you get back in bed, read a chapter of your Bible (Bible reading progress charts here), thank the Lord in prayer for His goodness, confess any sins, and sleep in peace.

On Saturday, there is no daily devotional, so come to our church prayer meeting, and listen to the previous Sunday’s sermon again.

On Sunday, be at church early, alert, and prepared for fellowship.

On the day of your home-group, memorise the verse.

If there are other opportunities for learning (men’s and women’s meetings, special weekend classes, etc.), be there whether the topic is perceived to be relevant or not. Most of the spiritual truths we need in specific moments are learned long before such moments.

These might all be relatively simple each on their own, but when put together they produce maturity more effectively than the most intense of counselling sessions, spiritual retreats, or Christian conferences. Godliness is attained one day at a time.