Here are Five Symptoms of Intentional Fellowship that we as Christians must all suffer from.

First, practise the “one anothers” in Scripture. Search for all the verses in the NT with the words “one another”, and start obeying them. Then, encourage others to do the same. And if someone else does it better than you do, then join them in what they are doing! Practise the “one anothers”, and be willing to receive it when practised on you.

Second, plan your church events. The elders will take care of when to sing, when to read, and such, so don’t worry about that. But you, plan your church event. On Saturday, during dinner, decide what time you will arrive, who you will speak to, where you will sit, when you will you leave.

Third, remedy any broken relationships you have in the church. Confess any sins, forgive as Christ forgave, and be reconciled. Go read the book of Philemon on how to do that. Aim for Christ-likeness, and start with the people at church who offended you, or whom you might have offended.

Fourth, care more about another believer’s growth than about your own interests. This is specifically true for the grey areas of church. Romans 14:13 commands us in grey areas to decide not to offend. Romans 15:2 says to please another rather than ourselves.

Fifth, don’t ever think you have the best, or the lowliest place in the church. 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4, makes it unequivocally clear that we all need each other. The goal is mutual growth, not personal honour or self-abasement.

Christian Fellowship is being with believers for a common spiritual purpose. It can be just you and another, or the whole church together.