“I Am Just So Angry at _______”

Anger towards others can take many forms. It might be a smouldering resentment. It might be a passionate rage. It might be deep-seated hostility. It might express itself in unplanned shouting or carefully planned verbal stabs. Either way, whatever form of anger you have against another, it is no secret

Anger Done Rightly

There are many things in this sin-cursed life that make the blood of the believers boil. When things like abortion, corruption, prostitution, riots, and abusive relationships fill the news and seem to be promoted by so many, we as Christians should feel a certain level of moral outrage. Even in

The Honour of Not Taking Offence Easily

We are sinners, and one of our natural skills is the skill of covering our sin. Job 31:33 talks about the habit of covering our sin, hiding it in our heart where we might be fully aware of it, but we keep it from being seen by others, and we

Getting angry the right way

Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. Ephesians 4:26–27 This verse has been used countless times to justify sinful anger, which, is actually itself something to make the most godly of saints angry! May we as human

The Fruit of Anger

Anger has been a greater spiritual pandemic than any disease has ever been on earth! We do not need long paragraphs on the realities, effects, and nature of anger, for short one-liners already instil all the “amens!” and conviction that we as people of God need to recognise and put