God’s god-ness is already a sufficient explanation for being a very sovereign being, but the true living God is not only a god with some areas of sovereign control. God is in control of absolutely everything. The simplest statement of it is Psalm 115:3 Our God is in the heavens;He does all that
A Fear-Driven Life
There was once a stingy young man so consumed with the fear of going hungry, that he put away some money each month in a future food fund. Decades later, the man retired, and his regular income was no more. So intent on having enough money to buy food at
The Disorder of Anxiety and Fear
Anxiety disorders are claimed by psychiatry and psychology as one of their fields of expertise. In the meantime, Scripture has held the place of EXPERT on the disorder of anxiety ever since sin entered the world. Anxiety might manifest itself in many physical ways, but since it is called sin in the
The Cure for Worry, Anxiety, and Pride
Anxiety and pride are not frequently thought of as sister sins, but they are. You might not feel proud when overwhelmed with anxiety, but pride is the root of worry too. When you worry, you raise yourself up to the level of engaging with matters that are above your clearance
Courage to die
Paul’s plan to die was to increase the worship of Heaven, but that did not make Paul callous to the earthly process of dying. He is a man who was much afflicted, perplexed, persecuted, and struck down by the suffering of this life. Paul’s plan to die included courage—courage enough to