One of the cherished truths by Christians, is the reality that since salvation is not something we could do, God did it. With decisive omnipotence, God saved sinners. But, the question is then: “How can I be sure that God saved me?” 1 Thessalonians 1 is the answer to that
Recipients of the New Covenant
We are familiar with the covenant that God made with people like Abraham, and many years later with his descendants through Moses. However, there is a covenant described in Jeremiah 31 is that far superior to all other covenants. It is what the prophet Jeremiah called “the New Covenant”. What is so
Safety from Apostasy
Sadly, many stories can be told of Christians departing from the faith: good children who leave the church when they leave their parental home; close friends who get hurt by a Christian and then reject it all; pastors even who recant their faith. We know they were never true Christians
Do you appear to be a Christian?
A fish is known to be a fish by looking like a fish, swimming like a fish, eating like a fish, breathing like a fish and countless other fishy resemblances. So it is with a Christian. If a person acts like a Christian, believes like a Christian, speaks like a
When you want more than the Bible reveals
There are dozens of topics in Christian belief and practice that arouse our curiosity beyond the limits of revelation. Angels and demons, Melchizedek, dreams and visions, other writings by Bible writers that are not in the Bible, the childhood activities of Jesus, and many more like these are all questions