Elders are one of the many gifts of grace to each church and to each Christian. Although Scripture is certainly a Church and a believer’s final authority on all matters, God has revealed in the Scriptures that He uses elders to shape us in our Christian walk. This is true
The Authority of Revelation From God
Although both the Bible (special revelation) and all of creation (general revelation) are given by God to man, only the Bible constitutes inherent final authority. God’s general revelation to man is continuous (Psalm 19:2), wordless (Psalm 19:3) and worldwide in scope (Psalm 19:4). General revelation teaches the existence of God
Christians Obeying Government
Christians obeying the government is a topic that requires specific instruction from God because it is a topic in which the instruction varies based on the situation. The default beginning position for all Christians in wondering when to obey the laws and instructions from their government is “Obey”. Romans 13:1-7 touches on