Believe in … Not Yourself!

Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man,in whom there is no salvation.When his breath departs, he returns to the earth;on that very day his plans perish. Psalm 146:3-4 “Believe in yourself” is the self-help mantra of our times. Where such a phrase originated and how it

Christianese: Faith

Perhaps the most familiar religious term to all professing Christians is the word “faith”. Can you give a short explanation of what it means? Faith is “belief in”. It needs to be differentiated from mere “belief”, for in our times “faith” has become a commodity—the more you have of it,

Responding to Those Who Mock Your Faith

It is sometimes hard to know what to say when someone rather bluntly and outrightly mocks your faith or questions the existence and work of God. We might even feel somewhat dumb for not having the right words in the moment, and perhaps even guilty for not being able to