“All I Want Is a Little Respect”

“All I want is a little respect!” Respect is good right? It is commanded in Scripture a number of times (Rom 13:7; Eph 5:33; 1 Thess 5:12; 1 Pet 2:18; 1 Pet 3:15). It is also modeled in Scripture a number of times (Mark 15:43; 1 Tim 2:9; 1 Tim 3:2; 1 Pet 3:1-2). A lack of

From the Inside Out

Just like all external sinful words and deeds are first internal sinful thoughts and desires (James 4:1; Mark 7:20-23), so all external good behaviour is first internal good character. We sin from the inside out, and we also transform into true righteousness from the inside out (Rom 12:2). David was chosen

Motherly Words for Adult Sons

The opening verses of Proverbs 31 often go unnoticed because of the loud praises of the excellence of a godly wife that fill the rest of the chapter. The opening nine verses are a record of a set of instructions that a wise queen made her son (the future king)

A Picture of Our Father’s Care

At the end of a rather tumultuous life, Joseph, the once favourite son, then slave, even inmate, and later prime minister, displays unexpected care to those who caused all his misfortunes. Not surprisingly, it is his view of God that provides the foundation for his gracious and caring response to

Restoring Hope When in Despair

It is unpleasant and even painful to experience a moment of hardship; it is substantially more trying having to endure something difficult over a long period of time. A brief experience of hardship doesn’t always test the full depth of our faith and character, because it is soon over and