The Practise of Spiritual Warfare

In the Christian’s Manual on Spiritual Warfare of Ephesians 6:10-20, every believer is informed and equipped by God for spiritual warfare. But it is really the closing three verses that provide us with the most practical techniques of our battle against spiritual forces. Ephesians 6:18 envelops the entire discussion up to know

Good Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is a good warfare. It is not some extraordinary exercise for the exorcists, or some unusual experience of the evil. Spiritual warfare is a good warfare. The reason for it being a good warfare is because of the way it is waged. Unlike the many religions that practise spiritual warfare through bindings,

Self-Evaluation Time-Out

A popular business practice is periodically to take some time-out from ordinary business activities for the purpose of review, brain-storming, forecasting and vision casting. Often the SWOT system of analysing and evaluating a business is used. S stands for Strengths; W stands for Weaknesses; O stands for Opportunities; T stands

One Spiritual Step At a Time

“Walk by the Spirit” – that is the command of Galatians 5:16. The result? You and I won’t give in to the many temptations of our flesh. That is the work and reward laid out for us this year. The section of Scripture that begins with “walk by the Spirit”