Psalm 1 – The Key to Doing Well in This World

Psalm 1 is a Psalm for the strange times we are being confronted with each day. How do we prosper when we do not work with the same worldly motives as our colleagues? How do we prosper when we are stuck at home with kids driving us crazy (or us driving

Too Patient in Gaining Patience

It is rather ironic that patience is something we tend to be very patient in trying to learn. We would love to be patient people, but seem to have no sense of urgency in obtaining it. We are all too patient in our pursuit of patience. In his Divinely-given wisdom,

A New Way to Think

The book of Psalms is a rather comprehensive collection of how believers live in this world. For a believer, life in this world is a place and time to worship God with great exaltation, but is also a place and time to sense the severe effects of sin and pour

Two Ways to Live

Psalm 1 is a favourite on many levels. Placed first in the Psalter, it acts like a flagship for the rest of the Psalms, offering decisive direction before embarking in this rest of the collection of Psalms. Psalm 1 offers wisdom on the two options each person has on how to live

Godly Eating and Drinking

Eating and drinking must be some of the most basic intentional activities of mankind. Certain bodily functions, heart beating, breathing, etc., are more basic to human living than eating and drinking, but eating and drinking are surely the most basic human activities that require explicit decision, forethought, preparation and action

Fixing All the Problems of This World

You can’t fix all the problems of this world, but you can fix all the problems of this world that manifest themselves in your own convictions, values, thoughts, actions, and words. The world has a big problem with entertainment, but you can maintain the balance of godly enjoyment and relaxation

A Good Life in a Bad World

Because God is not limited or defined in any way by the physical creation, He offers a perspective on created life that is utterly unique. He offers a perspective that enjoys the good things without being naive about the bad things. He offers a perspective that encourages valid expectations without

What Your Attitude Says about the Holy Spirit in You

As a Christian you have the Holy Spirit. But, your general attitude in life is really the true test of how much you are living a Holy-Spirit-filled life. Just look at what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit’s attitude-adjusting work! be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in

Do Good, and Don’t Give Up

let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone. Galatians 6:9-10 This is indeed to be the Christian’s foundation for all his/her behaviour. Amidst trial or

A Clear Conscience after a Day with Unbelievers

Is it possible to have a clear conscience after every interaction that you have with unbelievers? What about the ones who demonstrated their sinful side to you today? What about the ones who did you harm today? What about the ones who were short-tempered, incompetent, and unfriendly today? Is it