Repentance: the Well-Travelled Path of Every Christian

Beloved Christian, is the following not a familiar path? You sin; guilt is incurred; you feel bad because of the guilt of sin; you confess your sin; you ask for forgiveness of your sin and are restored to both God and one another; and then you do what is right

A Brief Theology of Church

The Church began following the conversion of many on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:41-42) and will continue until Jesus returns for His Church (1 Thess 4:17). All Christians are included in the Church by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:12-13) and gifted by the Holy Spirit for the mutual

I Know I Am Saved Because …

The true nature of salvation is frequently misrepresented by mainline Christianity. It is therefore no surprise that many Christians have a severe misunderstanding of salvation. Our assurance of salvation is directly linked to our understanding of salvation, so to get salvation wrong is detrimental to our assurance of salvation, not

Love All the Verses in the Bible

We naturally love some verses more than others, and often we turn that special devotion to some verses into a complete neglect of the other verses in the Bible. We love verses that comfort, encourage, build up, and grow us, but we don’t like the convicting verses that much. We

Christian Fellowship

Christian fellowship is a common part of regular church practise, starting in Acts 2:42 already. And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers Christian fellowship is different to Christian socialising. Christians socialise easily, but fellowship takes some work. Christian fellowship is the