Unlike the times in church history marked by persecution, our churches often contain people who claim to be Christian, perhaps even more mature than the rest of us, but who are not really Christian at all. We can have great unity with true believers from all walks of life, but
Romans 12:6 Active Christians … and Prophecy?
Romans 12:6 starts a short list of spiritual gifts and how each is to be used. It begins with an exhortation. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them Romans 12:6a As Romans 12:3-5 already prepares us for, we are again reminded that
Symptoms of Intentional Fellowship
Here are Five Symptoms of Intentional Fellowship that we as Christians must all suffer from. First, practise the “one anothers” in Scripture. Search for all the verses in the NT with the words “one another”, and start obeying them. Then, encourage others to do the same. And if someone else
Elderless Churches and Christians
Elders are one of the many gifts of grace to each church and to each Christian. Although Scripture is certainly a Church and a believer’s final authority on all matters, God has revealed in the Scriptures that He uses elders to shape us in our Christian walk. This is true
The Best Portion For the Lord
The prophet Malachi rebuked the people of his day for giving the left-overs to the LORD God Who saved them, provided for them, and deserved their best (Malachi 1:8). The right way would be to bring the best portion of all to the LORD. This is wonderfully evident in the
The Church That Became An Example
It is easy to admire the unity, maturity, and ministry of exemplary churches. What we don’t realise, though, is that exemplary churches are made up of exemplary Christians, and being an exemplary Christian isn’t something that is “probably never going to happen to me”. The visible impact of your church
A Primer In Church Attitudes.
Someone recently said that prayers in church should be long enough so that the false worshipers get bored. There is indeed a lot of truth to that statement. It is the kind of statement that can easily be abused, but to the pure worshiper, it is a statement that renews
A Stranger and a Member Walk Into a Church
It is said that there are only two kind of church people—those who surprise the congregation when they attend, and those who surprise the congregation when they don’t attend. Are you a prayer-answered surprise to the church when you attend, or are you a concerned surprise to the church because
Your Purpose at Church: Grow
The Church exists primarily to be a corporate worship-of-God event. But, the church also exists for the edification of the saints. God called each believer in the body of Christ to reflect the image of Christ (Rom 8:29) by being holy and blameless before Him (Eph 1:4). Each believer in
Your Purpose at Church: Worship
First, and above all else, the church exists for the worship and glory of God. God has chosen and called the church to proclaim His excellencies (1 Pet 2:9) and be to the praise of the glory of His grace (Eph 1:6, 12, 14). Although every Christian is to worship